中国批评美国-日本的声明,要求删除否定性提及。 China criticizes U.S.-Japan statement, demands removal of negative references.
中国向日本抱怨在12月日本和美国发表的联合声明中否定地提及中国。 China has complained to Japan over negative mentions of China in a joint statement issued by Japan and the US in December. 该声明涉及人权和印度-太平洋战略等主题,引起北京的批评,北京要求删除某些提法。 The statement, which covered topics like human rights and the Indo-Pacific strategy, drew criticism from Beijing, which demanded the removal of certain references. 中国外交部表示强烈反对,认为这一声明是干涉中国内政。 China's Foreign Ministry has expressed strong opposition, viewing the statement as an interference in its domestic affairs.