中日紧张局势随着90%的中国人和89%的日本人负面看待对方而上升。 Sino-Japanese tensions rise as 90% of Chinese and 89% of Japanese view each other negatively.
根据日本和中国组织的一项联合调查,近90%的中国人现在对日本的看法不利,比去年上升24.8%。 Nearly 90% of Chinese people now have an unfavorable view of Japan, up 24.8 percentage points from last year, according to a joint survey by Japanese and Chinese organizations. 这一增加与尖阁群岛的紧张局势、历史争端以及日本从福岛排放经过处理的放射性水有关。 The increase is linked to tensions over the Senkaku Islands, historical disputes, and Japan's discharge of treated radioactive water from Fukushima. 相反,89%的日本人对中国持负面看法,尽管与前一年相比略有下降。 In contrast, 89% of Japanese view China negatively, though this is a slight decrease from the previous year. 调查突出显示了中日关系的持续紧张。 The survey highlights ongoing strains in Sino-Japanese relations.