BBC推出“Dars”计划, 通过阿拉伯语社交媒体教育冲突区儿童。 BBC launches "Dars" program to educate children in conflict zones via Arabic social media.
英国广播公司以阿拉伯语推出了一个名为“Dars”的教育节目, 以加沙、苏丹和叙利亚等冲突地区的儿童为对象。 The BBC has launched an educational program called "Dars" in Arabic, aimed at children in conflict zones like Gaza, Sudan, and Syria. 该倡议通过英国广播公司的阿拉伯社会媒体和网站提供课程和互动内容,帮助儿童在战争和学校被毁期间继续接受教育。 The initiative provides lessons and interactive content through BBC's Arabic social media and website, helping children continue their education amidst war and school destruction. 该方案讲述了尽管面临挑战却坚持学习的儿童的真实故事。 The program features real stories of children who persevere in learning despite challenges.