报告着重指出,墨西哥针对天主教牧师的暴力行为激增,自1990年以来有80人被杀害。 Report highlights surge in violence against Catholic priests in Mexico, with 80 killed since 1990.
墨西哥天主教多媒体中心(CCM)的一份报告着重指出,对天主教牧师的暴力行为令人震惊地增加,自1990年以来有80名牧师被杀害。 A report by the Catholic Multimedia Center (CCM) in Mexico highlights the alarming increase in violence against Catholic priests, with 80 priests murdered since 1990. 在洛佩斯·奥布拉多总统六年任期内,有10名牧师被杀,有近900起针对教会成员的敲诈勒索和死亡威胁案件记录在案。 During President López Obrador's six-year term, 10 priests were killed, and nearly 900 cases of extortion and death threats against church members were recorded. 报告还记录了对主教和教会建筑物的袭击,敦促政府采取行动保护宗教领袖。 The report also documents attacks on bishops and church buildings, urging the government to take action to protect religious leaders.