日本检察官为2023年向Kishida总理投掷管状炸弹的人寻求15年监禁。 Japanese prosecutors seek 15 years for man who threw pipe bomb at PM Kishida in 2023.
日本的检察官正在寻求对木村龙二判处15年徒刑,据称他在2023年的一次竞选演说中向首相基西达富米奥投掷了一枚管式炸弹,造成两人受伤。 Prosecutors in Japan are seeking a 15-year sentence for Ryuji Kimura, who allegedly threw a pipe bomb at Prime Minister Fumio Kishida during a campaign speech in 2023, injuring two people. Kimura因扰乱选举而认罪,声称他不打算杀人,而只是提请注意他对选举制度的不满。 Kimura, who pleaded guilty to disrupting an election, claims he did not intend to kill but only to draw attention to his dissatisfaction with the electoral system. 法庭将于2月19日作出判决。 The court is set to deliver its verdict on February 19.