日本动漫纵火案审判预计可能被判处死刑。 Possible death sentence anticipated in Japan anime arson trial.
日本男子青叶真司承认在 2019 年引发了一场动漫工作室火灾,导致 36 人死亡,他可能面临死刑。 Japanese man Shinji Aoba faces a possible death sentence after admitting to starting a 2019 anime studio fire that killed 36 people. 这起震惊影视界的袭击事件涉及年轻工作人员,造成30多人受伤。 The attack, which shocked the film and TV industry, involved young staff and injured over 30 others. 青叶承认了自己的罪行,但他的律师因精神疾病而提出无罪抗辩。 Aoba has admitted to the crime, but his lawyers have entered a plea of not guilty due to mental illness.