加拿大人在咖啡店里将“Americanos”重命名为“Canadianos”,在美国关税威胁中表现出爱国主义。 Canadians rename "Americanos" to "Canadianos" in coffee shops, showing patriotism amid U.S. tariff threats.
加拿大人通过在咖啡店将“Americanos”更名为“Canadianos”并推广当地产品来回应美国的关税威胁,以表达爱国主义精神。 Canadians are showing patriotism in response to U.S. tariff threats by renaming "Americanos" as "Canadianos" in coffee shops and promoting local products. 这些具有象征意义的行为包括图形艺术家在雪地里画一只大驼鹿,并用当地的苹果酒代替橙汁。 These symbolic acts include a graphic artist drawing a large moose in the snow and replacing orange juice with local apple cider. 该活动由 Kicking Horse Coffee 发起,旨在支持当地企业并在经济问题中突出加拿大的自豪感。 The campaign, initiated by Kicking Horse Coffee, aims to support local businesses and highlight Canadian pride amid economic concerns.