拜登政府对魁北克省第 96 号法案语言监管对美国企业的影响表示担忧。 Biden admin raises concerns over Quebec's Bill 96 language regulation impact on US businesses.
拜登政府对加拿大魁北克省拟议的有关商业标牌语言的法规对美国企业的潜在影响表示担忧。 The Biden administration has expressed concerns about the potential impact on American businesses of a proposed regulation in Quebec, Canada, concerning the language of commercial signage. 两国高级贸易官员在多伦多举行的会议上讨论了这个问题。 This issue was discussed during a meeting between high-level trade officials from both countries in Toronto. 这些担忧涉及魁北克省第 96 号法案的商标条款及其对美国企业(包括中小企业)可能产生的影响。 The concerns relate to trademark provisions of Quebec's Bill 96 and their possible implications for U.S. businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises.