一名26岁的司机死于内布拉斯加州圣保罗281号公路附近的一次翻滚式撞车。 A 26-year-old driver died in a rollover crash near Highway 281 in St. Paul, Nebraska.
圣保罗281号公路附近发生单车滚车事故,造成26岁的司机死亡。 A single-car rollover accident near Highway 281 in St. Paul resulted in the death of the 26-year-old driver. 本田思域偏离道路,越过中心线,在撞到沟渠后翻滚,撞上了广告牌。 The Honda Civic veered off the road, crossed the centerline, and rolled after hitting a ditch, striking a billboard. 司机没有带安全带,速度是一个促成因素。 The driver was not wearing a seatbelt, and speed was a contributing factor. 霍华德郡郡警长办公室 内布拉斯加州州巡警 圣保罗志愿者消防救援队 正在调查这起事件 The Howard County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska State Patrol, and St. Paul Volunteer Fire and Rescue are investigating the incident.