在Idaho的Orofino附近,一名男子丧生,一名妇女受伤,关闭了美国12号高速公路。 A rollover crash near Orofino, Idaho, killed a man and injured a woman, closing U.S. Highway 12.
周三上午,爱达荷州奥罗菲诺附近发生翻车事故,造成一名 67 岁男子死亡,一名 67 岁妇女住院。 A rollover crash near Orofino, Idaho, on Wednesday morning killed a 67-year-old man and hospitalized a 67-year-old woman. 这起事件发生在美国12号高速公路上,当时他们的车辆漂到路边,进入一条沟渠,翻滚过来。 The incident occurred on U.S. Highway 12 when their vehicle drifted into oncoming traffic, entered a ditch, and rolled over. 两人都系了安全带。 Both were wearing seat belts. 在爱达荷州警察局调查坠机原因时,高速公路关闭了30分钟。 The highway was closed for 30 minutes as Idaho State Police investigate the cause of the crash.