一名司机在一次车祸中丧生,当时他们的车辆从I-94坡道上掉下来,撞上了圣保罗的一个顶部标志。 A driver was killed in a crash when their vehicle went off an I-94 ramp and hit an overhead sign in St. Paul.
明尼苏达州圣保罗周日上午94/Mounds Blvd发生致命车祸。 A fatal crash occurred in St. Paul, Minnesota, early Sunday morning at the Interstate 94/Mounds Blvd. 互换。 Interchange. 一名吉普车司机从西行的 I-94 匝道驶出前往 Mounds Blvd.,下坡道,清除了混凝土路障,并撞上了一个高架标志。 A Jeep driver exited the westbound I-94 ramp to Mounds Blvd., went off the ramp, cleared a concrete barricade, and struck an overhead sign. 被称为John Doe的不明身份司机在现场被宣布死亡。 The unidentified driver, referred to as John Doe, was pronounced dead at the scene. 诸如他的年龄、家乡,以及他是否系安全带或受酒精影响等细节尚未公布。 Details such as his age, hometown, and whether he was wearing a seatbelt or under the influence of alcohol are not yet available. 州巡警在凌晨1点45分做出回应 The State Patrol responded at 1:45 am.