由于道路状况恶劣, 一名男子在林肯附近发生翻车事故, Man suffers life-threatening injuries in rollover crash near Lincoln due to poor road conditions.
周三上午,林肯东南部发生一起严重的翻车事故,造成一名男子受重伤,危及生命。 A serious rollover crash southeast of Lincoln on Wednesday morning left one man with life-threatening injuries. 事件发生于上午9时30分左右,地点在内布拉斯加州公园大道附近的2号公路上,司机因路况恶劣而滑入沟渠,并被从车上扔出。 The incident occurred around 9:30 a.m. on Highway 2 near Nebraska Parkway, where the driver slid into a ditch due to poor road conditions and was ejected from the vehicle. 来自各部门的紧急救援人员作出反应,将受伤男子送往医院。 Emergency crews from various departments responded and transported the injured man to a hospital. 故事仍在发展之中。 The story is still developing.