一名23岁的妇女死于在内布拉斯加州农村的一次滚动失事;司机是32岁的男子,伤势轻微。 A 23-year-old woman died in a rural Nebraska rollover crash; the driver, a 32-year-old man, was slightly injured.
周二上午,内布拉斯加州梅里克县农村发生一起致命的翻车事故,造成 23 岁的 Hailee Vlach 死亡。 A fatal rollover crash in rural Merrick County, Nebraska, killed 23-year-old Hailee Vlach on Tuesday morning. 由一名来自帕尔默的 1998 岁男子驾驶的 32 年雪佛兰皮卡偏离道路,穿过另一条车道,进入沟渠,然后翻车。 The 1998 Chevrolet pickup driven by a 32-year-old man from Palmer veered off the road, crossed into the other lane, entered a ditch, and rolled over. 司机受轻伤,没有使用安全带,也没有部署气袋。 The driver sustained minor injuries, while seatbelts were not used, and airbags did not deploy. 当局正在调查原因,可能涉及酒精或药物。 Authorities are investigating the cause, with alcohol or drugs potentially involved. 多个部门协助了答复。 Multiple departments assisted in the response.