菲律宾修复Agus-Pulangi水电综合设施,恢复400兆瓦的发电能力。 Philippines to rehabilitate Agus-Pulangi hydropower complex, restoring 400 MW of capacity.
菲律宾政府计划修复棉兰老的Agus-Pulangi水电综合体,该综合体由7个水电站组成,总发电能力约为1,000兆瓦。 The Philippine government plans to rehabilitate the Agus-Pulangi hydropower complex in Mindanao, which consists of seven hydropower plants with a total capacity of about 1,000 MW. 该项目拖延了10多年,将在PSALM公司企业寿命延长10年之后恢复约400兆瓦的水力发电能力。 The project, delayed for over a decade, will restore around 400 MW of hydropower capacity following the extension of PSALM Corp.'s corporate life for 10 years. 政府还在考虑建造Agus-3工厂,可再增加225兆瓦,并探讨该地区煤炭厂的更清洁的替代品。 The government is also considering building the Agus-3 plant, which could add another 225 MW, and exploring cleaner alternatives for a coal plant in the region.