菲律宾计划到2028年增加超过16千兆瓦的离岸风力发电,其中16个项目定于2027年开始实施。 Philippines plans to add over 16 gigawatts of offshore wind power by 2028, with 16 projects set to begin by 2027.
菲律宾能源部计划到2028年增加超过16千兆瓦的岸外风力发电能力。 The Department of Energy (DOE) in the Philippines plans to add over 16 gigawatts of offshore wind power capacity by 2028. 16个项目定于2027年开工,其中最大的项目是Domhain地球公司3 100兆瓦的Bulalacao岸外风力农场。 Sixteen projects are set to begin construction by 2027, with the largest being Domhain Earth Corp.’s 3,100 MW Bulalacao Offshore Wind Farm. 能源部正与环境和基础设施机构协调支持这些项目,定于7月举行绿色能源拍卖,以确保开发商的市场准入。 The DOE is coordinating with environmental and infrastructure agencies to support these projects, with a green energy auction scheduled for July to secure market access for the developers.