Nebraska州巡警调查了Seward的一起杀人案;涉及有保护令的人。 Nebraska State Patrol investigates a homicide in Seward; man with protection order involved.
内布拉斯加州巡警正在调查周六晚上11点46分左右发生在苏厄德的一起凶杀案。 警员发现一名死者在家中多处枪伤,一名男子在户外自伤。 The Nebraska State Patrol is investigating a homicide in Seward that occurred on Saturday around 11:46 p.m. Officers found a deceased woman with multiple gunshot wounds inside a home and a man, with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, outside. 这名男子持有针对他的保护令,被转到奥马哈的联合国军警中心治疗。 The man, who had a protection order against him, was transferred to UNMC in Omaha for treatment. 所涉个人的姓名目前尚未公布。 The names of the individuals involved are not being released at this time. 当局保证公共安全不会持续受到威胁。 Authorities assure there is no ongoing threat to public safety.