警长办公室调查内布拉斯加州斯坦顿县农场附近发现的人被枪击身亡事件。 Sheriff's office investigates gunshot death of man found near farmhouse in Stanton County, Nebraska.
内布拉斯加州斯坦顿县当局正在调查11月13日一名在农舍外发现、明显受枪伤的男子的死亡事件。 Authorities in Stanton County, Nebraska, are investigating the death of a man found outside a farmhouse with an apparent gunshot wound on November 13. 在尸体附近没有发现任何武器,但在该房屋内发现了一把手枪。 No weapon was found near the body, but a handgun was discovered inside the house. 警长办公室正在采访证人和收集证据,在奥马哈安排法医验尸。 The sheriff's office is interviewing witnesses and collecting evidence, with a forensic post-mortem scheduled in Omaha. 目前不存在对公共安全的威胁。 There is currently no threat to public safety.