奥马哈警方对一起枪击三名受害者的事件作出反应,追捕嫌疑人,并找到另一名受伤嫌疑人。 Omaha police respond to a shooting with three victims, pursue suspects, finding another injured suspect.
Omaha警察对星期六在44街和Redman大道附近发生的枪击事件作出反应。 Omaha police responded to a shooting on Saturday near 44th Street and Redman Avenue. 现场发现一名受害者,已知有三名枪伤受害者,所有伤情无生命危险。 One victim was found at the scene and three gunshot victims are known, with all injuries non-life-threatening. 一辆可疑车辆被追赶了大约 3 英里,在 65th 和 Fowler 附近结束,在那里发现了另一名受枪伤的嫌疑人。 A suspect vehicle was pursued for about three miles, ending near 65th and Fowler, where another suspect with a gunshot wound was found. 调查仍在进行之中,嫌疑人与受害者之间的联系仍然不清楚。 The investigation is ongoing, and the connection between the suspects and victims is still unclear.