爱荷华市调查枪杀一名妇女的事件;为提供信息提供1 000美元奖励。 Iowa City investigates fatal shooting of a woman; $1,000 reward offered for info.
爱荷华市警方正在调查 周一凌晨2: 30左右 在S道奇街600个街区 发生的一起致命枪击事件 Iowa City police are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred around 2:30 am on Monday in the 600 block of S. Dodge Street. 发现一名女性受害者有枪伤,后来死于医院。 A female victim was found with gunshot wounds and later died at a hospital. 嫌疑人的身份仍然不明,警方正在将这一事件作为孤立事件处理。 The suspect remains unidentified, and the police are treating the incident as an isolated event. 当局对导致逮捕的信息给予1 000美元的奖励,并敦促任何掌握信息或安全录像的人与他们联系。 Authorities are offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and are urging anyone with information or security footage to contact them.