警方调查涉及尤巴市死亡妇女以及雷诺自残枪伤男子的谋杀-自杀嫌疑案件。 Police investigate suspected murder-suicide involving deceased woman in Yuba City and man with self-inflicted gunshot wound in Reno.
尤巴市和雷诺的警察正在调查一起涉嫌谋杀自杀的案件,一名男子在雷诺的一家赌场被发现自枪自伤,一名妇女死在尤巴市的一间公寓里。 Police in Yuba City and Reno are investigating a suspected murder-suicide case, with a man found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound at a casino in Reno, and a woman deceased in an apartment in Yuba City. Reno警察与Yuba市警察联系,要求对该名妇女进行福利检查。 The Reno police had contacted Yuba City police for a welfare check on the woman. 正在调查死亡的关系和情况,没有已知的公众危险。 The relationship and circumstances of the deaths are under investigation, with no known public danger.