智利总统宣布紧急状态和宵禁是多个地区严重的野火肆虐。 Chile's president declares emergency and curfews as severe wildfires rage in multiple regions.
智利总统加布里埃尔·博里奇(Gabriel Boric)宣布进入紧急状态, Chile's President Gabriel Boric declared a state of emergency and imposed curfews in Nuble and Maule regions due to severe wildfires. 他怀疑阿拉瓦卡尼亚地区有些火灾是蓄意的。 He suspects that some fires in the Araucanía area are deliberate. 气温超过40摄氏度(104摄氏度),约15起火灾正在发生,已逮捕60多人。 With temperatures above 40°C (104°F), around 15 fires are active, and over 60 arrests have been made. 去年,瓦尔帕莱索的野火造成60多人死亡,1 000多座房屋被毁。 Last year, wildfires in Valparaiso led to over 60 deaths and the destruction of more than 1,000 homes.