厄瓜多尔宣布,由于严重干旱、火灾和电力短缺,厄瓜多尔处于国家紧急状态。 Ecuador declares national emergency due to severe drought, fires, and electricity shortages.
由于严重干旱和森林大火,厄瓜多尔宣布了为期60天的全国紧急情况。 Ecuador declared a 60-day national emergency due to severe drought and intense forest fires. 10 000多公顷土地被烧毁,导致6人死亡,45人受伤,44 000多家畜丧失。 Over 10,000 hectares have been burned, leading to six deaths, injuries to 45 people, and the loss of over 44,000 farm animals. 危机还导致电力配给,原因是水电水库的水量低。 The crisis has also caused electricity rationing due to low water levels in hydroelectric reservoirs. 政府得到了8架消防直升机的帮助,包括来自秘鲁和意大利的3架消防直升机。 The government has received help from eight firefighting helicopters, including three from Peru and Italy.