玻利维亚和秘鲁面临前所未有的野火,秘鲁丧失了300万公顷的雨林,15人死亡。 Bolivia and Peru face unprecedented wildfires, with over 3 million hectares of rainforest lost and 15 deaths in Peru.
玻利维亚面临史无前例的野火,300多万公顷的雨林因农业燃烧和非正常降雨而损失。 Bolivia faces unprecedented wildfires, with over 3 million hectares of rainforest lost due to burning for agriculture and irregular rainfall. 这一危机使资源紧张,并引起对暴露于烟雾的健康问题的关切。 This crisis strains resources and raises health concerns from smoke exposure. 同时,秘鲁报告有15人死于野火,主要是草地燃烧用于耕种造成的。 Meanwhile, Peru has reported 15 deaths from wildfires, predominantly caused by grassland burning for farming. 政府正在努力控制222起火灾紧急情况,呼吁增加军事支助,以打击火灾。 The government is working to control 222 fire emergencies, with calls for increased military support to combat the blazes.