纵火和破坏破坏行为在科罗拉多州Tesla一家经销商受到一系列类似袭击的打击。 Arson attempt and vandalism hit a Tesla dealership in Colorado, amid a series of similar attacks.
在科罗拉多州洛夫兰的一个特斯拉经销商在星期五凌晨遭到纵火和破坏,这是两周内发生的第三起此类事件。 A Tesla dealership in Loveland, Colorado, was targeted in an arson attempt and vandalism early Friday morning, the third such incident in two weeks. 建筑物和车辆被涂鸦抹上,包括“纳粹汽车”等攻击性信息。 The building and vehicles were defaced with graffiti, including offensive messages like "Nazi cars." 前两次攻击的严重程度较小。 The first two attacks were of lesser severity. Loveland警察局正在联邦调查局和ATF的协助下进行调查。 The Loveland Police Department is investigating with help from the FBI and ATF.