悉尼特斯拉车主使用内置安全摄像头拍摄了一名男子破坏汽车的视频。 Tesla owner in Sydney captures man vandalizing car on video using in-built security cameras.
澳大利亚悉尼的一位特斯拉车主使用车载内置安全摄像头拍摄了一名男子破坏她汽车的场景。 A Tesla owner in Sydney, Australia captured a man vandalizing her car on video using the vehicle's in-built security cameras. 特斯拉的“哨兵模式”功能记录了一名男子手持吹叶机损坏汽车的场景,随后该男子再次试图损坏车牌。 The Tesla's 'Sentry Mode' feature recorded a man holding a leaf blower damaging the car, and he was later caught attempting to damage the number plate again. 车主联系了警方,而这起事件并不是特斯拉摄像头第一次捕捉到犯罪行为。 The owner contacted the police, and the incident is not the first time Tesla cameras have captured criminal acts.