“火山组织”声称对特斯拉德国工厂附近发生的纵火事件负责。 The 'Volcano group' claiming the arson near Tesla's German plant.
特斯拉位于柏林附近的超级工厂被迫停止生产并疏散员工,此前工厂附近的一座电线塔遭到疑似纵火袭击,导致停电。 Tesla's Gigafactory near Berlin was forced to halt production and evacuate employees after a suspected arson attack targeted a power pylon near the facility, causing a power outage. 据信,这次袭击是由左翼极端组织“Vulkangruppe”所为,该组织声称对特斯拉的抗议活动负责。 The attack is believed to have been carried out by a left-wing extremist group, "Vulkangruppe," which claimed responsibility as a protest against Tesla. 目前,国家刑事调查局正在调查这起事件。 The State Office of Criminal Investigation is currently investigating the incident.