特斯拉德国工厂因疑似纵火事件暂时停产。 Tesla's German factory temporarily halted production due to a suspected arson attack.
特斯拉德国工厂因疑似纵火袭击导致工厂附近的一座输电线塔着火而暂时停止生产。 Tesla's German factory has temporarily halted production after a suspected arson attack set an electricity pylon alight near the site. 疑似极左翼组织Vulkangruppe(火山组织)袭击导致停电,导致工厂断电。 The suspected attack by far-left group Vulkangruppe (Volcano Group) led to a power outage, causing the factory to lose power. 埃隆·马斯克称这一行为“极其愚蠢”,并质疑袭击者是否有良好的环境目标。 Elon Musk labeled the act "extremely stupid" and questioned whether the attackers had good environmental goals. 该工厂每年生产约50万辆汽车,自投产以来一直面临当地居民的反对和环保抗议。 The factory, which produces around 500,000 cars a year, has faced opposition from local residents and environmental protests since its launch.