Arson袭击俄勒冈州Tesla经销商Salem,损坏汽车,打破窗户;调查正在进行中。 Arson attack at Salem, Oregon Tesla dealership damages car, breaks window; investigation ongoing.
俄勒冈州塞勒姆的一家特斯拉经销商星期一清晨遭到纵火事件袭击,一辆特斯拉汽车被点燃。 A Tesla dealership in Salem, Oregon, was targeted in an arson incident early Monday morning, with a Tesla car set on fire. 消防员们控制着火焰,阻止火焰扩散。 Firefighters contained the blaze, preventing it from spreading. 一家经销店的窗户也被打破。 A dealership window was also broken. Salem警察局和联邦调查局 正在调查这起纵火案 The Salem Police Department and FBI are investigating the case as arson. 没有人员受伤的报告,因此促请公众与警方举报线联系,提供任何信息。 No injuries were reported, and the public is urged to contact the police tip line with any information.