Surf和滑冰品牌Quiksilver、Billabong和Volcom因破产关闭了100多家美国商店。 Surf and skate brands Quiksilver, Billabong, and Volcom close over 100 US stores due to bankruptcy.
Surf和滑冰品牌Quiksilver、Bilabong和Volcom在经销商解放品牌申请破产后,永久关闭了100多个美国商店。 Surf and skate brands Quiksilver, Billabong, and Volcom are permanently closing over 100 US stores after their operator, Liberated Brands, filed for bankruptcy. 关闭的原因是快速时尚和经济挑战引起的竞争。 The closures are due to competition from fast fashion and economic challenges. 然而,这些品牌将继续由真品品牌集团管理,该集团将通过专业零售商、百货商店和网上销售其服装。 However, the brands will continue under Authentic Brands Group, which will sell their clothing through specialty retailers, department stores, and online. 这增加了预计到2025年关闭15 000多家商店的趋势。 This adds to a trend of over 15,000 store closures expected by 2025.