Swimco 在卡尔加里、埃德蒙顿和温哥华重新开设商店。 Swimco reopens stores in Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver.
加拿大泳装零售商 Swimco 因 COVID-19 影响于 2020 年申请破产后卷土重来,在卡尔加里、埃德蒙顿和温哥华开设了商店。 Canadian swimwear retailer Swimco has made a comeback, opening stores in Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver, after filing for bankruptcy in 2020 due to COVID-19 impacts. Swimco 以其广泛的员工培训而闻名,员工通过试穿每一件泳衣成为健身专家。 Swimco is known for its extensive staff training, where employees become fit experts by trying on every swimsuit available. 该零售商旨在通过提供卓越的客户服务、优秀的员工和精选的泳装的独特组合来引起轰动。 The retailer aims to make a splash by offering a unique combination of excellent customer service, great staff, and a terrific selection of swimwear.