超过7100家美国商店于2024年关闭, 与2023年相比增长了69%, Over 7,100 U.S. stores closed in 2024, a 69% jump from 2023, due to rising costs and changing shopping habits.
2024年关闭了7 100多家美国商店,比上一年增加了69%。 In 2024, over 7,100 U.S. stores closed, marking a 69% increase from the previous year. 购物习惯的变化、供应链问题和成本上升等因素促成了这些破纪录的关闭。 Factors like changes in shopping habits, supply chain issues, and rising costs contributed to these record-breaking closures. 关闭最多的零售商包括Ashley Stewart,Bed Bath & Beyond和维多利亚的秘密. Among the top retailers with the most closures were Ashley Stewart, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Victoria's Secret. 尽管面临挑战,诸如Aldi等一些零售商还是扩大了规模。 Despite the challenges, some retailers like Aldi expanded. 梅西还宣布计划在2024年底之前关闭约65家商店,这是企业重组导致的加速关闭计划。 Macy's also announced plans to close about 65 stores by the end of 2024, an accelerated closure plan due to business reorganization.