将总部迁至得克萨斯州的奥斯汀,目标是房地产市场和人才的增长。 Realtor.com® relocates headquarters to Austin, Texas, targeting growth in real estate market and talent.
公司总部从加利福尼亚的圣克拉拉 搬到得克萨斯州的奥斯汀 专注于德克萨斯不断增长的房地产市场和人才库 Realtor.com® is moving its headquarters from Santa Clara, California, to Austin, Texas, focusing on Texas's growing real estate market and talent pool. 此举支持该公司的增长计划,并旨在利用奥斯汀充满活力的经济和负担得起的生活费用。 The move supports the company's growth plans and aims to take advantage of Austin's vibrant economy and affordable living costs. 预计到2045年,德克萨斯州将成为人口最多的州,此次搬迁可能会增强Realtor.com®在数字房地产领域的存在. Texas is projected to become the most populous state by 2045, and the relocation could enhance Realtor.com®'s presence in the digital real estate sector.