由于高税收和法规,雪佛龙将总部从加利福尼亚州迁至德克萨斯州。 Chevron relocates headquarters from California to Texas due to high taxes and regulations.
雪佛龙已将其总部从加利福尼亚州迁至德克萨斯州,理由是该州的高税收和繁重的法规是经济增长的障碍。 Chevron has moved its headquarters from California to Texas, citing the state's high taxes and heavy regulations as barriers to economic growth. 首席执行官迈克·沃斯 (Mike Wirth) 批评加州提高成本和阻碍投资的政策。 CEO Mike Wirth criticized California's policies for raising costs and discouraging investment. 德克萨斯州没有个人所得税和亲商环境,在 2022 年吸引了大量新居民和企业。 Texas, with no personal income tax and a pro-business climate, attracted significant new residents and businesses in 2022.