Meta考虑将其公司总部迁至德克萨斯州,这被视为更有利于商业。 Meta considers moving its corporate headquarters to Texas, seen as more business-friendly.
脸书和其他社交媒体平台的母公司Meta, 据报正在考虑将其从特拉华州并入得克萨斯州。 Meta, the parent company of Facebook and other social media platforms, is reportedly considering moving its incorporation from Delaware to Texas. 此举目前仍处于早期讨论阶段,不会影响到Meta在加利福尼亚的总部。 The move, which is still in the early stages of discussion, would not affect Meta's headquarters in California. 德克萨斯州被认为更有利于商业,特别是对于Meta的首席执行官Mark Zuckerberg等主要股东所控制的公司来说更是如此。 Texas is viewed as more business-friendly, especially for companies controlled by major shareholders like Meta's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. 这是在埃隆·穆斯克领导的特斯拉公司采取类似行动之后发生的。 This follows similar moves by companies like Tesla under Elon Musk. 没有作出最后决定,Meta的发言人没有确认该报告。 No final decision has been made, and Meta's spokesperson has not confirmed the report.