佛罗里达州和得克萨斯州最高的州名单 美国人正在移动 由住房、家庭和就业驱动 Florida and Texas top list of states Americans are moving to, driven by housing, family, and jobs.
全国房地产商协会(NAR)已确定佛罗里达和得克萨斯是2023年美国移民最多的目的地,接下来是北卡罗来纳州、南卡罗来纳州和格鲁吉亚。 The National Association of Realtors (NAR) has identified Florida and Texas as the top destinations for Americans moving in 2023, followed by North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. 以美国人口普查数据为基础的调查发现,住房、家庭和就业是搬迁的主要原因,而气候的作用较小。 The survey, based on US Census data, found that housing, family, and employment were the main reasons for relocation, with climate playing a minor role. 这一转变凸显了向南部各州增长的人口趋势,而同一数据表明,佛罗里达州、得克萨斯州、加利福尼亚州、纽约州、纽约州和伊利诺伊州是顶级州,人们正在摆脱就业机会、住房成本和生活方式偏好的影响。 The shift highlights a growing population trend towards the southern states, while the same data shows Florida, Texas, California, New York, and Illinois as the top states people are moving away from, influenced by job opportunities, housing costs, and lifestyle preferences.