CONOOC开始在博海海世界上最大的变形岩石油田进行生产,目标是每天22 300桶。 CNOOC starts production at the world's largest metamorphic rock oilfield in the Bohai Sea, aiming for 22,300 barrels daily.
中国石油和天然气公司CNOOC已开始在Bohai海的Bozhong 26-6油田生产,该油田被称为世界上最大的变形岩石油田。 CNOOC, a Chinese oil and gas company, has begun production at the Bozhong 26-6 oilfield in the Bohai Sea, described as the world's largest metamorphic rock oilfield. 第一阶段的目标是利用33口油井进行生产,日最高产量约为22 300桶石油当量。 Phase one aims to produce from 33 wells, with a peak daily output of about 22,300 barrels of oil equivalent. 油田离天津170公里,储量超过2亿立方米。 The oilfield, located 170 kilometers from Tianjin, has reserves exceeding 200 million cubic meters. CNOOC开发了专门技术,以克服在4 500米深和高温深度钻探的挑战。 CNOOC has developed specialized technology to overcome the challenges of drilling at depths over 4,500 meters and high temperatures. 该项目还包括一个碳捕获系统,预计在其寿命期内掩埋大约150万吨二氧化碳。 The project also includes a carbon capture system expected to bury about 1.5 million tons of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.