破坏者打破数十扇窗户,在蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学留下了政治涂鸦。 Vandals broke dozens of windows and left political graffiti at McGill University in Montreal.
周三晚上,Vandals袭击了蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学,打破了三座建筑物上至少20多扇窗户和门。 Vandals struck McGill University in Montreal on Wednesday night, breaking at least two dozen windows and doors across three buildings. 警方在晚上8点20分左右接到电话,但嫌犯在警察抵达前逃走。 Police received calls around 8:20 pm, but the suspects fled before officers arrived. 写着无政府主义符号和“自由巴勒斯坦”的信息被抛在后面。 Graffiti with anarchist symbols and "Free Palestine" messages were left behind. 动机仍然不明确,没有逮捕任何人。 The motive remains unclear, and no arrests have been made. 这一事件是继最近与以色列-哈马斯冲突有关的紧张局势后发生的。 This incident follows recent tensions related to the Israel-Hamas conflict.