Penn州立大学调查亲以色列学生破坏巴勒斯坦纪念碑的事件。 Penn State University investigates pro-Israel students' vandalism of a Palestine memorial.
Penn州立大学正在调查巴勒斯坦学生争取正义协会为纪念在以巴冲突中被杀害的巴勒斯坦人而创建的纪念碑被破坏的事件。 Penn State University is investigating the vandalism of a memorial honoring Palestinians killed in the Israel-Palestine conflict, created by Students for Justice in Palestine. 据报告,亲以色列学生毁损纪念碑,拔掉旗帜,发表贬损性言论。 Pro-Israel students reportedly defaced the memorial, removing flags and making derogatory remarks. 大学官员谴责这些行动,并申明他们致力于消除校园中的仇恨。 University officials condemned the actions and affirmed their commitment to addressing hate on campus. 学生问责局正在监督对这一事件的调查。 The Office of Student Accountability is overseeing the investigation into the incident.