艾伯塔省Beaverlodge的圣玛丽天主教学校70个窗户遭到破坏,造成10万美元的损失。 70 windows at St. Mary Catholic School in Beaverlodge, Alberta were vandalized, causing $100,000 in damages.
艾伯塔省Beaverlodge的圣玛丽天主教学校70个窗户被破坏事件砸碎,造成10万美元的损失。 70 windows at St. Mary Catholic School in Beaverlodge, Alberta were smashed in a vandalism incident, causing $100,000 in damages. 警察认为事件发生在7月31日至8月1日之间,但缺乏逮捕的充分证据。 Police believe the incident occurred between July 31 and August 1 but lack sufficient evidence for arrests. 学校分会的保险将支付损害赔偿金。 The school division's insurance will cover damages. 警方鼓励报案, 社区也表达了支持, 呼吁对犯罪者负责. RCMP encourage information reporting and the community has shown support, calling for increased accountability for the perpetrators.