朝鲜已宣布计划增加导弹移动运载火箭的产量。 North Korea has announced plans to increase production of mobile launch vehicles for missiles.
朝鲜领导人金正恩呼吁增加导弹发射器的生产,为与韩国和美国的军事摊牌做好准备。 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called for increased production of missile launchers to prepare for a military showdown with South Korea and the US. 此前,华盛顿声称俄罗斯在最近的乌克兰袭击中使用了朝鲜的弹道导弹和发射器。 This comes after Washington claimed Russia used North Korea's ballistic missiles and launchers in recent Ukraine attacks. 金和他的女儿朱爱参观了一家生产运输安装发射器的工厂。 Kim and his daughter, Ju Ae, visited a factory producing transport erector launchers.