新加坡的投资承诺在2024年增加到219亿新元,预计将创造18 700个就业机会。 Singapore's investment commitments rose to S$21.9 billion in 2024, set to create 18,700 jobs.
2024年,新加坡的投资承诺略有增加,达到219亿新元,固定资产投资增至135亿新元,主要是在电子和生物医学部门。 In 2024, Singapore saw a modest increase in investment commitments to S$21.9 billion, with fixed asset investments rising to S$13.5 billion, mainly in electronics and biomedical sectors. 经济发展委员会预计,这些投资将在五年内创造18 700个工作岗位。 The Economic Development Board projects these investments will create 18,700 jobs over five years. 然而,欧洲开发银行预计,由于地缘政治和经济不确定性,2025年将面临各种挑战。 However, the EDB anticipates challenges in 2025 due to geopolitical and economic uncertainties.