华盛顿的新提案会让牧师报告 在认罪时听到虐待儿童的传闻 冒着坐牢的风险 NewProposal in Washington would make priests report child abuse heard in confession, risking jail.
华盛顿州的一项拟议法律将要求牧师报告在供认期间所学到的虐待儿童行为,他们可能因不遵守规定而入狱。 A proposed Washington state law would require priests to report child abuse learned during confession, facing potential jail time for noncompliance. 这与天主教教规冲突,因为天主教教规将打破供状印章的牧师开除。 This conflicts with Catholic Canon Law, which excommunicates priests who break the seal of confession. Spokane Bishop Thomas Daly以该教会对儿童安全和宗教自由的承诺为由,敦促反对该法案。 Spokane Bishop Thomas Daly has urged opposition to the bill, citing the Church's commitment to child safety and freedom of religion. 其他各州的类似提案没有成功。 Similar proposals in other states have not succeeded.