马里兰天主教会的幸存者敦促AG加快调查,寻求像巴尔的摩那样的报告,而大主教管区则挑战《儿童受害者法》。 Survivors in Maryland's Catholic Church urge AG to expedite investigations, seeking a report like Baltimore's, while the Archdiocese challenges the Child Victims Act.
马里兰天主教会内性虐待幸存者敦促州总检察长加快调查华盛顿大主教区和威尔明顿主教区。 Survivors of sexual abuse within Maryland's Catholic Church are urging the state Attorney General to expedite investigations into the Archdiocese of Washington and Diocese of Wilmington. 他们要求公布一份与巴尔的摩报告相似的报告,其中记载了广泛的虐待情况。 They seek the release of a report similar to one from Baltimore, which documented extensive abuse. 该大主教区正在对取消诉讼诉讼时效的《儿童受害者法》提出质疑,马里兰州最高法院准备审理此案。 The Archdiocese is challenging the Child Victims Act that removes the statute of limitations for lawsuits, with the Maryland Supreme Court set to hear the case.