教会虐待幸存者迫使梵蒂冈对牧师施虐者采取美国式零容忍政策。 Clergy abuse survivors push Vatican for U.S.-style zero-tolerance policy on priest abusers.
牧师性虐待的幸存者正在敦促梵蒂冈采取类似于2002年美国天主教会批准的零容忍政策,永久性地将被判犯有性虐待罪的牧师从部里撤走。 Survivors of clergy sexual abuse are urging the Vatican to adopt a zero-tolerance policy similar to the one approved for the U.S. Catholic Church in 2002, which permanently removes priests found guilty of sexual abuse from ministry. 虽然教皇弗朗西斯将解决虐待问题作为优先事项,但他没有授权向民政当局报告超越地方要求的范围。 Though Pope Francis has made addressing abuse a priority, he has not mandated reporting to civil authorities beyond local requirements. 前梵蒂冈官员 A former Vatican official, Rev. 汉斯·佐尔纳也以当前改革的失败为由,呼吁采取全球零容忍办法。 Hans Zollner, has also called for a global zero-tolerance approach, citing the failure of current reforms.