不列颠哥伦比亚联合党(United United United)是一个被暂停的竞选党,在选举后收到超过223,000美元的捐赠。 BC United, a suspended campaign party, received over $223,000 in donations post-election.
不列颠哥伦比亚联合党(BC United United)是一个在去年省级选举中暂停竞选的政党,共收到223,000多笔捐款,包括选举后的86000多美元。 BC United, a political party that suspended its campaign in last year's provincial election, received over $223,000 in donations, including more than $86,000 after the election. 大多数捐款是每个月20日进行的自动银行转账。 Most of the donations were automatic bank transfers made on the 20th of each month. 尽管没有候选人竞选,但BC United公司尚未取消注册,更新了2025年的在线捐款门户。 Despite not running candidates, BC United has not been deregistered and updated its online donation portal for 2025. 国民民主党和保守党在选举后的捐赠中几乎是捆绑在一起的,每党分别筹集了大约180万美元和150万美元。 The NDP and Conservatives were nearly tied in donations post-election, with each raising about $1.8 million and $1.5 million, respectively.