南澳大利亚自由党面临在补选前滥用40,000美元的纳税人资金的指控。 South Australian Liberals face accusations of misusing $40,000 in taxpayer funds before a by-election.
南澳大利亚自由党因据称在黑人补选前将纳税人的钱花在内部投票和公共关系上而受到审查, The South Australian Liberal Party is under scrutiny for allegedly spending taxpayer money on internal polling and public relations ahead of a by-election in Black, costing nearly $40,000. 劳工政府指控自由党滥用资金, 而自由党则声称支出得到财政部批准。 The Labor government accuses the Liberals of misusing funds, while the Liberals claim the spending was approved by Treasury. 补选是在前领导人David Speirs因毒品指控辞职之后举行的。 The by-election follows the resignation of former leader David Speirs due to drug charges.