保守党在2024年筹集了近4 200万美元,将自由党和国民发展计划的资金加在一起翻了一番。 Conservative Party raised nearly $42M in 2024, doubling funds of Liberals and NDP combined.
加拿大保守党在2024年筹集了近4 180万美元,比自由党和新民主党的合计总额几乎翻了一番,后者分别筹集了1 520万美元和630万美元。 The Conservative Party of Canada raised nearly $41.8 million in 2024, nearly doubling the combined total of the Liberal and New Democratic Parties (NDP), who raised $15.2 million and $6.3 million respectively. 保守党有211 000个捐助者,平均捐款198美元,而自由党和国民民主党有118 000个和60 000个捐助者,平均捐款128美元和105美元。 The Conservatives saw 211,000 donors with an average contribution of $198, while the Liberals and NDP had 118,000 and 60,000 donors, contributing $128 and $105 on average. 第四季度是所有三个政党最成功的筹款期,下一次联邦选举可能在今年春天举行。 The fourth quarter was the most successful fundraising period for all three parties, with the next federal election possibly happening this spring.