孟加拉国代表团在Agartala恢复了签证服务,由于安全漏洞,签证服务在两个月后中断。 Visa services resume at Bangladesh's mission in Agartala after a two-month halt due to a security breach.
在Agartala的孟加拉国助理高级委员会于2月5日恢复了签证和领事服务,在此之前,因违反安全规定而暂停了两个月。 The Bangladesh Assistant High Commission in Agartala resumed visa and consular services on February 5, following a two-month suspension due to a security breach. 12月3日,抗议者进入观察团的房舍,抗议在达卡逮捕印度教僧侣Chimmoy Krishna Das, 抗议活动于12月3日停止。 The services were halted on December 3 after protesters entered the mission's premises, protesting the arrest of Hindu monk Chinmoy Krishna Das in Dhaka. 安保措施得到加强,3名警务人员因该事件被停职。 Security measures have been enhanced, and three police personnel were suspended in connection with the incident.