抗议者冲进了孟加拉国驻印度助理高级专员公署,引发了对孟加拉国游客的禁令。 Protesters stormed the Bangladesh Assistant High Commission in India, sparking a ban on Bangladeshi tourists.
特里普拉邦的酒店和餐馆业主在抗议孟加拉国印度教少数民族遭到袭击后禁止孟加拉国游客入境。 Tripura's hotel and restaurant owners have banned Bangladeshi tourists following protests over attacks on Hindu minorities in Bangladesh. 该禁令是在阿加尔塔拉的暴力抗议导致孟加拉国助理高级专员公署遭到破坏之后发布的,抗议者在那里移除并亵渎了国旗。 The ban comes after violent protests in Agartala led to the breach of the Bangladesh Assistant High Commission, where protesters removed and desecrated the national flag. 印度外交部谴责了这一事件,并宣布加强孟加拉国驻印度外交使团的安全保障。 India's Ministry of External Affairs has condemned the incident and announced increased security for Bangladeshi diplomatic missions in India. 自孟加拉国临时政府 8 月上台以来,紧张局势不断升级。 The tension has escalated since Bangladesh's interim government took power in August.