英国报告了更具传染性的mopox菌株新病例;自10月以来,共有8例病例. UK reports new case of more contagious mpox strain; total eight cases since October.
英国报告了一例更具传染性的Clade Ib mpox菌株新病例,自10月以来总共有8例. The UK has reported a new case of the more contagious Clade Ib mpox strain, with eight cases in total since October. 国民健康服务局建议采取五步预防mopox:从中部或东非出境后,监测症状三周,如果有症状,避免发生性行为,不要与可能感染者共用床单或毛巾,定期洗手,并与性伴侣讨论健康问题. The NHS advises five steps to prevent mpox: monitor symptoms for three weeks after travel from central or east Africa, avoid sex if symptomatic, do not share bedding or towels with those who may be infected, wash hands regularly, and discuss health with sexual partners. 为高风险群体,如男男性行为者提供疫苗接种。 Vaccinations are available for higher-risk groups, such as men who have sex with men. 世卫组织警告说,非常年幼的儿童、孕妇和免疫系统薄弱的人,特别是感染艾滋病毒的人,面临严重并发症的更大风险。 The WHO warns that very young children, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems, particularly those with HIV, are at higher risk of severe complications.